Recently, when Eli really began to make his own way through the world, it finally hit Chloe that he is actually a little human- one that is completely imposing on her turf. I have to admit, I really thought my kids were special and were somehow above battling for attention. I thought maybe we were just incredible parents whose children just felt so loved that they wouldn't possibly want or need any more of our time. I figured it was obvious that they were both loved the same. That they both had mommy's heart wrapped around their little fingers. Surely Chloe was mature enough at two to realize that Eli is still a baby and he simply needs more of mommy's time. Obviously, this doesn't mean he gets any more of her love. Of course they know all this. My kids are geniouses.
HA! Why as parents do we even waste time filling our tired little brains with these kind of thoughts? It's ridiculous the kind of silly, somewhat self-righteous thinkings that we can think. But as they say, the truth always comes out in the wash (or something nonsencical like that.) And the truth has taken my house by storm- its name is Sibling Rivalry. The last week or so Chloe's brainwaves have looked a little like this:
Eli can pull a book off the shelf? Well, I can pull the shelf off the shelf.. And I can throw it. Take that.
Eli can crawl fast? Well, I can crawl faster, stop him, sit on him, and squish him flat.
Eli's sucking on a crayon? Watch me, Mommy, I can chew a crayon, spit it out, and make a Monet.
Eli's eating another leaf? I'll eat a leaf, too. I'm not scared.
Eli's putting sand in his mouth? I can eat the entire park. It's so yummy.
This isn't to say that it doesn't go both ways, though Eli's brainwaves look more like this:
Uh oh. What is she doing? Yo, Chlo, Back off. She's my mommy. That's right, walk away. Don't even think about touching her.. Wait... Mommy... what are you doing.... Mommy?.. Put her down...Mommy! .. what.. are.. you.. doing.. but,but, you're my mommy.. Waaaaaaahhhhhh!
It hasn't been all bad, either. It seems that this has all been some sort of backwards process to bringing them closer together. More and more times I have found them chasing one another all through the house, around chairs, under tables, squealing happy squeals the whole time. Chloe has all but retired the infamous "N-n-n-n-n-no, EI" and replaced it with "Silly EI" which is much more tolerable, and kind of endearing. Chloe has been sharing her toys when asked to, even her beloved trucks. So, in a way, it's nice. Not to mention, seeing your two year old crawling around the backyard with a tree's worth of leaves hanging out of her mouth is pretty amusing in that I-don't-know-whether-to-laugh-or-cry-so-I-think-I-will-laugh-(at-least-this-time) kinda way.
A visit from the Big Guy!
9 years ago
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