Chloe is still very much into competing with Eli for all things, and copying him at every chance. We do, however, have a lot of fun during his naptime when she converts back to her spunky 2year-old self.
Chloe loves to be a helper. Her daily jobs include running the microwave for morning oatmeal and bacon, using the dustbuster to clean up little messes, sorting the silverware after we run the dishwasher, helping me load the washer and dryer, and picking up toys. I have never asked her to do any of this (aside from toy clean up), she just loves to be with me, doing the things I do. She also looks forward to putting the groceries on the conveyer belt, carrying small grocery bags into the house, alerting me to Eli's dirty diapers by bringing me a clean one, and fetching his jacket and shoes when it's time to go.
Chloe is becoming more and more independent. She insists on getting into and out of her chair alone, no matter how difficult it is. She likes to put on her shoes, brush her teeth and hair, and get herself onto and off of the potty. "No, Mommy" has become a favorite phrase lately. Apparently I can be a tad overbearing in my willingness to help.
Chloe has become enamored with the potty and all things associated with it. She asks to wear panties during the day and independently goes and sits on the potty several times a day. She never actually uses it, though. She waits until her nap diaper to pee and poop. I am not pushing anything right now, just letting her do it her way. After all, my ways haven't really worked so far.
Chloe can recognize her name, and even "wrote" it in the bathtub tonight (bathtub crayons!). She scribbled what looked like a U (or sideways C!) and said "C" then she made a perfect lowercase "h" and scribbled three more letters naming "l, o, eeeeee!" as she wrote. Needless to say, we were amazed. It's so fun to have a book"Worm". I know one day we will have lots of fun comparing our favorite literary works and discussing school assignments.
A visit from the Big Guy!
9 years ago
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