This happened nearly a week ago now, but I haven't had the time or patience to relate it, until now.
It was a normal early Spring day. Bright and beautiful. The sun was shining. The birds were singing. The kids were whining. We had just finished the noontime meal, and I was cleaning up the table. Eli was crawling on the floor, whining. Chloe was hunched over a chair, doing her whining thing. I'm at the sink, washing up some dishes. "Five more minutes until nap." "Noo! incoherent whining!" A moment passes. Out of the blue, "Need help." "What's wrong?" No answer. I look. Chloe is still leaning over the chair, whining, seemingly needing no help. I go to her room to get her bed ready for nap. "Chloe, come on, naptime!" I yell. "Whiiiiiiiiiiiine." "Chloe, please come now!" "Hysterical whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine." Sigh to self. Head to dining room. See Chloe still leaning over a chair. Become very frustrated. "Chloe, you must obey. It's naptime!" "Hysterical cries and screams." I finally sense something is actually wrong. Run to Chloe. Look around. Can't figure it out. Wha?? OH! There! Her elbow. Stuck in the rails! Ok, no biggie. "Mommy's here. Mommy is going to help. Be brave girl." Push. Hmm.. Pull. Hmm.. Push. It's worse. Elbow is purple. Turned at a weird angle. At a loss. Begin to pull on rail to break it. Remember CPR class, don't break rail, might splinter. Oh yeah, got it. What now then? Panic sets in. Screams are hysterical now. Better call 911. Try to dismiss the feeling of how stupid both I and this situation are. Try one more time to get her out. She freaks. Can't breathe. Beginnings of an asthma attack. Didn't pick up the stupid inhaler yet. Kick self. Must run for phone. Run toward phone. What is that I see? Olive Oil! Genious! Run back to Chloe. Dear God, Thank you! Please let this work. Open lid, pour on oil. Shudder at what it's doing to her brand new white GAP blouse and the carpet (yes, even in the midst of it all). Slather it on. Wiggle her around. Freedom! Ten minutes of apologies, hugs, and tears followed by an extra long nap from the low after the adrenaline high.
The end.
A visit from the Big Guy!
9 years ago
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