Chloe loved every minute of the holiday, and cried sweet tears when it was all said and done. She loved giving gifts as much as receiving, was diligent in reminding us of our Advent readings, constantly remembers to be thankful and asks for help on her thank you notes, and is already talking about being a shepherd again next year. The return to normalcy, however, has been quite nice. Normal times are, after all, what makes the holidays fun and special in the first place.
The kids mostly received the "classics" for Christmas this year, including a Light Brite, Legos, Etch-a-Sketch, games like Checkers and Go Fish, and new playground balls. Chloe also recieved a couple of modern pleasures including a My Little Pony Teapot Palace which has proven to be her favorite new gift. That or the handheld vSmile game that she is addicted to. Her face seems to be planted on a screen more often than I'm happy with. She loves, and is quite thankful for everything she has, especially for "Jesus dying on the cross for everything I need," and for that I am ever joyful.