I can't believe my girl is already 2.5 years old! Halfway to kindergarten age! This month we have seen an incredible surge in her ability to communicate verbally. She still likes to revert to whining and talking Eli-style several times a day, but when she wants to, she surprises us with incredible sentences. While she has become more prone to tantrums, at the same time she is more loving, and has some trouble being alone at night. She loves practicing jumping, running, skipping, and twirling in her Sunday dresses. She still can't jump with both feet off of the ground and it cracks me up to watch her try. Pottytraining is on the backburner while we continue to retrain her to "let her pee-pee out", but she has gotten much better at doing that. She still loves to read and sing and work puzzles and build towers. She loves playing in the sprinkler and being outdoors in general. Bubbles are still difficult for her to blow, she just can't get her mouth right, but when one accidentally comes out, she is ecstatic. She loves praising us for every little thing: "good nap mommy! good shower daddy!, etc." making us smile. She is Eli's number one interpreter and advocate, making sure I give him anything he might desire: "Mommy, Eli needs his cup." or "Eli needs cookies, too." Chlo is such a serious and smart, sweet and caring little girl.
Songs- Ring Around the Rosie, I May Never March in the Infantry, This Old Man, Jesus Loves Me
Books- Minerva Louise, Thomas the Tank Engine, Jesse Bear What Will You Wear?
TV- still Cedarmont Kids Sing-a-longs
Places to Go- Park, Church, Backyard, Library, Sam's Club (they have free cookies)
Foods- strawberries, pizza, oatmeal, french fries
Friends- Grace, Ella, Sarah, Ryan
Don't give up... Chloe will learn to blow bubbles some day. In the meantime, maybe her dad or mimi can teach her how to whistle.
I just feel bad for Eli. Such male skills as blowing bubble gum bubbles and whistling were lost in the Covil line. Even tie-tying was almost lost! I wonder what teacher in the Covil line was on duty when the passing down of these skills was broken....?
I love it!!
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